All Middle and High Schoolers (grades 7-12) are welcome to join us for Faith Formation and youth group night. Sunday evenings from 4 to 7 pm in the Church Hall. Each night will have a different topic, discussions, prayer, and activity. We will also have dinner, games, and fellowship.
September 15
October 6 & 20
November 3 & 17
December 1 & 15
January 12 & 26
February 2 & 9
March 2 & 16
April 6 & 13
To register, and if your child attends non-Catholic School, click here
To register your child who goes to a Catholic School, click here
If you child has not yet received Baptism, Confirmation and/or First Communion, please contact Lisa or Fr. Chris to set up a plan of action. Preparation Classes will be offered
Check out an incredible summer opportunity for your youth! Welcome to Edge and Life Teen Camp. Click here to learn more for the best Summer ever!