We have a lot of members of the parish who are sick and/or homebound. Most them do not have transportation to Church or are well enough to attend Sunday Mass. As a way to help these members be apart of our community, we bring the Church to them through our Sick and Homebound ministry. Volunteers visit people in their homes beinging them communion, spending time in prayer with them, and holding conversations with them. Many of these people do not get a lot of visitors, except for medical visits. They often times enjoy the company, and the prayers. Depending on your availability, would deteramine how often you visit, whether weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
If you are interested in bringing Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, you will first have to be trained as an Extraordinary Ministery of Communion, and then trained to do home visits. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Fr. Chris.
If you are interested in serving as a minister at one of the hospitals, please see Fr. Chris for more information.